Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Output Phase Loss Detection
Output Phase Los
This parameter Enables/Disables the monitoring of each phase of the 3-phase
output signal (U, V, or W) of the ASD. If either line is missing, inactive, or not
of the specified level, the ASD incurs a trip.
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Overcurrent Stall Level
OC Stall Level
This parameter specifies the output current level at which the output frequency
is reduced in an attempt to prevent a trip. The overcurrent level is entered as a
percentage of the maximum rating of the ASD.
Soft Stall must be enabled to use this feature.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.0
Units — %
Overload Reduction Frequency
OL Reduct Freq
This parameter is used to reduce the start frequency during very low-speed
motor operation. During very low-speed operation the cooling efficiency of the
motor decreases. Lowering the start frequency aides in minimizing the
generated heat.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
Overspeed Frequency
Overspeed Freq
This parameter sets the upper level of the Base Frequency range that, once
exceeded, will cause an Overspeed Detected alert.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Overtorque Detection Time
OT Detec Time
This parameter sets the amount of time that the overtorque condition may
exceed the tripping threshold level set at Overtorque Trip/Alarm Level
(Positive Torque) and Overtorque Trip/Alarm Level (Negative Torque)
before a trip occurs.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.50
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — Seconds