5. Operating the INFINITE M1000 PRO
Instructions for Use for INFINITE M1000 PRO No. 30064852 Rev. No. 1.0
Using the Dispense Strip:
Figure 39
Select an appropriate plate type
Part of the plate:
Select the wells to be dispensed
Set up the dispense parameters.
If both injectors are selected, all wells are first dispensed with injector A and
afterwards with injector B.
The dispense strip does not require an additional measurement strip.
Dispense volume:
The dispense volume depends on the microplate type. The
plate definition files include the working volume of the microplate. This working
volume defines the maximum volume to be dispensed into the selected
microplate. Therefore, ensure that the selected plate definition file contains the
correct value for the working volume. The maximum dispense volume is also
limited by the installed syringe size (500 µl; 1 ml; 2.5 ml).