4. Optical System
Instructions for Use for INFINITE M1000 PRO No. 30064852 Rev. No. 1.0
Dichroic Mirror
Dichroic mirrors serve to optimize the light intensity in a certain excitation
wavelength range, which provides a better signal to noise ratio when compared to
a 50% mirror. For each LED in combination with an EX-filter an appropriate
dichroic mirror is installed.
The Analyzer allows only light with a specific type of plane to pass..
Fluorescence Polarization Detection
A fiber bundle guides the polarized light that passes the analyzer to the emission
monochromator. The light is detected by the PMT (Figure 14).
Fluorescence Polarization Measurement Parameters
The light source is switched on during the entire measurement, therefore a “settle
time” is not recommended for samples which bleach quickly, because the total
time in which the sample is exposed to light is increased. However, when using
stable samples, a ‘settle time’ can improve FP performance.