Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Detecting Criteria
• Diagnostic method
The diagnostic method consists of creating a sealed vacuum in the fuel tank and then determining the pres-
ence of leakage from the speed at which the tank internal pressure returns to atmospheric pressure.
Mode A: (Estimated evaporation gas amount)
Calculate the tank pressure change amount (P1) when using mode A. After calculating P1, switch to mode B.
Mode B: (Negative pressure sealed)
Introduce negative pressure in the intake manifold to the tank.
Approx. 0
–1.4 (0
–10.5, 0
–0.41) kPa (mmHg, inHg)
When the pressure above (desired negative pressure) is reached, enters Mode C.
In this case, if the tank pressure does not become the desired negative pressure, judge that there is a large
leakage (10 seconds or 25 seconds) in the system.
• Abnormality Judgment
Judge as NG (large leak) when the criteria below are met.
Mode C: (Check pressure rise)
Stop the introduction of negative pressure. (Wait until the tank pressure returns to the start level of P2 cal-
Change to Mode D when the tank pressure returns to the start level of P2 calculation.
Judge immediate OK and change to Mode E when it does not return in spite of spending the specified time.
Mode D: (Measure amount of negative pressure change)
Monitor the tank pressure change amount when using mode D. In this case, the tank pressure increases,
(nears atmospheric pressure) because evaporation occurs. However, if any leakage exists, the pressure in-
creases additionally in proportion to this leakage. The pressure variation of this tank is P2.
After calculating P2, perform a small leak diagnosis according to the items below.
When Mode D is ended
Assign tank variations measured in Mode A and Mode D; P1 and P2, to the formula below, judge small leaks
in the system. If the measured judgment value exceeds the threshold value, it is judged to be a malfunction.
Judge as NG when the criteria below are completed and Judge as OK when not completed.
* 1.5: Evaporation amount compensation value when below negative pressure (Amount of evaporation occurrence increases as
a vacuum condition increases.)
Judgment Value
Malfunction Criteria
Threshold Value
Time to reach target negative pressure
25 sec.
Or mode B time
10 sec.
(Min. pressure value in tank when in
mode B) – (Tank pressure when mode B
< –0.3 kPa
(–2 mmHg, –0.08 inHg)
Tank pressure when starting cal-
culation of P2
Time for advanced OK
–1.3 kPa (–9.75 mmHg, –0.38
15 seconds
Judgment Value
Malfunction Criteria
Threshold Value
P2 – 1.5
> Value from Map 7
P2: Tank pressure that changes every 10
seconds in mode D
* Threshold value: Fig-
ure (Remaining Fuel
vs Tank temperature)
P1: Tank pressure that changes every 10
seconds in mode A 136 ページ 2009年10月26日 月曜日 午前9時16分
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