104BWeb server
11.3 User-defined web pages
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Access the CPU Properties for the S7-1200 that controls the wind turbine, and enter the
configuration information in the User-defined web pages properties of the Web Server:
Configuration fields
HTML directory: This field specifies the fully-qualified pathname to the folder where the
default page (home page or start page) is located on the computer. The "..." button allows
you to browse to the folder that you need.
Default HTML page: This field specifies the filename of the default page or home page of
the HTML application. The "..." button allows you to select the file that you need. For this
example, WindTurbine.html is the default HTML page. The Remote Wind Turbine Monitor
example only consists of a single page, but in other user-defined applications the default
page can call up additional pages from links on the default page. Within the HTML code,
the default page must reference other pages relative to the HTML source folder.
Application name: This optional field contains the name that the Web browser includes in
the address field when displaying the page. For this example, it is "Remote Wind Turbine
Monitor", but it can be any name.
No other fields require configuration.