S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
TCP and ISO on TCP
Transport Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol described by RFC 793:
Transmission Control Protocol. The primary purpose of TCP is to provide reliable, secure
connection service between pairs of processes. This protocol has the following features:
An efficient communications protocol since it is closely tied to the hardware
Suitable for medium-sized to large data amounts (up to 8192 bytes)
Provides considerably more facilities for applications, notably error recovery, flow control,
and reliability
A connection-oriented protocol
Can be used very flexibly with third-party systems which exclusively support TCP
Only static data lengths are applicable.
Messages are acknowledged.
Applications are addressed using port numbers.
Most of the user application protocols, such as TELNET and FTP, use TCP.
Programming effort is required for data management due to the SEND / RECEIVE
programming interface.
International Standards Organization (ISO) on Transport Control Protocol (TCP) (RFC 1006)
(ISO on TCP) is a mechanism that enables ISO applications to be ported to the TCP/IP
network. This protocol has the following features:
An efficient communications protocol closely tied to the hardware
Suitable for medium-sized to large data amounts (up to 8192 bytes)
In contrast to TCP, the messages feature an end-of-data identification and are message-
Routing-capable; can be used in WAN
Dynamic data lengths are possible.
Programming effort is required for data management due to the SEND / RECEIVE
programming interface.
Using Transport Service Access Points (TSAPs), TCP protocol allows multiple connections
to a single IP address (up to 64K connections). With RFC 1006, TSAPs uniquely identify
these communication end point connections to an IP address.
The TSEND_C instruction combines the functions of the TCON, TDISCON and TSEND
instructions. The TRCV_C instruction combines the functions of the TCON, TDISCON, and
TRCV instructions. (Refer to "TCON, TDISCON, TSEND, AND TRCV (Page 408)" for more
information on these instructions.)