104BWeb server
11.2 Standard web pages
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Alternatively, you can address your Web browser to a specific standard Web page. To do so,
enter the URL in the form "http://ww.xx.yy.zz/<page>.html", where <page> corresponds to
one of the standard Web pages:
start (Page 479) - general information about the CPU
identification (Page 480) - detailed information about the CPU including serial, order, and
version numbers
module (Page 481) - information about the modules in the local rack
communication (Page 483) - information about the network addresses, physical
properties of the communication interfaces, and communication statistics
diagnostic (Page 480) - the diagnostic buffer
variable (Page 484) - CPU variables and I/O, accessible by address or PLC tag name
datalog (Page 486) - data log files stored internally in the CPU or on a memory card
index (Page 478) - introduction page to enter the standard Web pages
For example, if you enter "http://ww.xx.yy.zz/communication.html", the browser will display
the communication page.
Secure access
You can use https:// instead of http:// for secure access to the standard Web pages. When
you connect to the S7-1200 with https://, the website encrypts the session with a digital
certificate. The data is securely transmitted and not accessible for anyone to view. You will
typically get a security warning that you can confirm with "Yes" to proceed to the standard
Web pages. To avoid the security warning with each secure access, you can import the
Siemens software certificate to your Web browser (Page 490).