104BWeb server
11.3 User-defined web pages
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
For both Name clauses and Use clauses, the complete name must be enclosed in single
quotation marks. Within the single quotes, use double quotation marks around a PLC tag
and double quotation marks around a data block name. The data block name is within the
double quotes but not the data block tag name. Note that for data block tags, you use the
name of the block and not a data block number.
Examples using HTML input field
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='"Target_Level"' -->
<form method="post">
<p>Input Target Level: <input name='"Target_Level"' type="text" />
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='"Data_block_1".Braking' -->
<form method="post">
<p>Braking: <input name='"Data_block_1".Braking' type="text" />
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='"Braking"' Use='"Data_block_1".Braking' -
<form method="post">
<p>Braking: <input name='"Braking"' type="text" /> %</p>
Example using HTML select list
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='"Data_block_1".ManualOverrideEnable'-->
<form method="post">
<select name='"Data_block_1".ManualOverrideEnable'>
<option value=:"Data_block_1".ManualOverrideEnable:> </option>
<option value=1>Yes</option>
<option value=0>No</option>
</select><input type="submit" value="Submit setting" /></form>
Only an admin user can write data to the CPU. The commands are ignored if the user has
not logged in as the admin user.
If a tag name or data block name includes special characters, you must use additional
quotation marks or escape characters as described in the topic "Handling tag names that
contain special characters (Page 505)".
Reading special variables
The Web server provides the ability to read values from the PLC to store in special variables
in the HTTP response header. You might, for example, want to read a pathname from a PLC
tag to redirect the URL to another location using the HEADER:Location special variable.