101BExtended instructions
8.2 String and character
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Table 8- 31 Values of the FORMAT parameter
Number sign character
Notation format
Decimal point representation
Fixed point
"-" only
Fixed Point
"+" and "-"
W#16#0008 to W#16#FFFF Illegal values
Parameter OUT string format rules:
Leading space characters are added to the leftmost part of the string when the converted
string is smaller than the specified size.
When the FORMAT parameter sign bit is FALSE, unsigned and signed integer data type
values are written to the output buffer without the leading "+" sign. The "-" sign is used if
<leading spaces><digits without leading zeroes>'.'<PREC digits>
When the sign bit is TRUE, unsigned and signed integer data type values are written to
the output buffer always with a leading sign character.
<leading spaces><sign><digits without leading zeroes>'.'<PREC digits>
When the FORMAT is set to exponential notation, Real data type values are written to the
output buffer as:
<leading spaces><sign><digit> '.' <PREC digits>'E' <sign><digits without leading zero>
When the FORMAT is set to fixed point notation, integer, unsigned integer, and real data
type values are written to the output buffer as:
<leading spaces><sign><digits without leading zeroes>'.'<PREC digits>
Leading zeros to the left of the decimal point (except the digit adjacent to the decimal
point) are suppressed.
Values to the right of the decimal point are rounded to fit in the number of digits to the
right of the decimal point specified by the PREC parameter.
The size of the output string must be a minimum of three bytes more than the number of
digits to the right of the decimal point.
Values are right-justified in the output string.