Pratt & Whitney Rzeszów S.A.
Page 316
Export Control Classification: PL/UE 9E999
W hen pulling the foil protective envelope on, place it in such a manner not to cause its
deformation during heat sealing or sucking-out the air.
Using the board assigned for heat sealing, straighten envelope's edges, place them evenly and smooth
them to be free from any folds. Put the spacers made of cellophane or paraffin paper on the foil
protective envelopè and heat seal it with hot iron.
Undo a nut on envelope's connector {plug) and using vacuum cleaner suck-out the air from its interior,
until the envelope slightly adhere to engine.
Disconnect the vacuum cleaner and immediately screw on the nut when the air is sucked-out from the
Tie up hanging loosely pieces of envelope using cloth belt or thick cord.
Let so packed engine stay for 2 ÷ 3 hours in order to check the tightness of the envélope.
Tightness of the envelope consist in keeping (maintaining) negative pressure inside it, what is checked
by slightly drawing the envelope by fingers from the engine's surface.
Untight envelope shall be replaced by new one or tighten by heat sealing or gluing.
Place the bag with tool kit into foil bag and heat seal it. Then fasten it to container base using
sackcloth belts.
Using the hoist put the container top cover on the container base;
pay attention not to strike against engine. Screw the/top cover and the base by four bolts Ml 6x50 and
then seal with lead two diagonally located bolts.
Through the inspection opening window insert the engine's engineering documentation into the recess
inside the container and seal the window with lead.
In case the engine is being shipped to manufacturer's facility or overhaul shop, write the following data
on the container top cover:
packaging date;
preservation validity period;
engine's number
consigner's address
consignees address (buyer's).