General Product Description
Sopho 2000IPS
Release 12.2, August 2006
NEC Philips Unified Solutions
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2.14SOPHO IPS DM/IPS DML/IPS DMR System Configuration
2.14.1 SOPHO IPS DM Modular Chassis (MC)
The SOPHO IPS DM consists of from one to two Modular Chassis depending on the
system configuration. The Modular Chassis provides 56 LT ports in hardware slots and
provides 64 ports in software port allocation (56 LT ports and 8 virtual ports). There are 2
types of Modular Chassis; "Physical Modular Chassis" and "Virtual Modular Chassis".
The Physical Modular Chassis is a “hardware Modular Chassis” and is used to
accommodate an MP, IP PADs, legacy LT/AP cards, and power supply units. The Virtual
Modular Chassis is “software Modular Chassis” and is used to accommodate IP stations
by system data programming. The port capacity of the Virtual Modular Chassis is varied
depending on the number of Physical Modular Chassis. The Modular Chassis can be
installed on the desktop or into the 19-inch rack only.
One Modular Chassis provides 8 card slots including one card slot for Main Processor
(MP) and other 7 slots for Line Trunk (LT)/Application Processor (AP) cards; 56 LT
ports and 8 virtual LT ports; AC, LTC, BUS cable connectors and power switch which
are located at the rear side of Modular Chassis. The following illustration shows Modular
Chassis hardware configurations, software port allocation, face layout and rear view of
Modular Chassis for IPS DM.