Issue 5
UNIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS General Description
Page 145
Group Call - 2-Way Calling
This feature enables a Station User to page a maximum of 31 Parties simultaneously
except the Group Call Leader. After one of the Paged Parties answers, paging becomes 2-
Way Calling between the leader and the first answered party and automatically stops
paging other parties. The Paged Stations/Trunks are assigned to the simultaneous Paging
Groups as participants by the System Data beforehand.
Meet-Me Conference
This feature enables Station Users (PS, Multi-line Terminal, Single Line Telephone)
within the system, Attendants, or Trunk Parties to join a Conference as many as 32 Parties
by dialing a specific Access Code. The Conference participants are automatically
connected to the Conference Trunk an alert tone signals new arrivals. Conference
participants may call in at preset time or may be directed to do so by a Conference
coordinator once all the participants have joined the conference leader can lock out the
Conference card: alert tone on new participant (R10)
This enhancement provides alert tone to all conference participants when a new call joins
the existing conference. This allows the conference participants to be aware when a new
participant arrives. The Conference can be locked/unlocked to allow/disallow additional
participants. This can prevent contents of the telephone conference from being overheard.
Existing systems with 32-Party conference cards can take advantage by upgrading to R10.
No new hardware is required: SPN-CFTC (AP)
Consecutive Speed Dialing
For Speed Dialing, all digits are registered as a Speed Dialing Code. In the case of
Consecutive Speed Dialing, the common portion of the number is registered as a speed
calling code, and the remaining digits of each number are dialed by each individual
calling station or by using a Station Speed Dial key on a Multiline Terminal.
Consultation Hold
This feature permits a station user to hold any incoming or outgoing CO call, tie line call,
or any intra-office call while originating a call to another station user within the system.
Customer Administration Terminal (CAT)
In addition to the Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT), programming of the
SOPHO 2000 IPS can be done from selected Multiline Terminals with LCD. The
designated Multiline Terminals can be placed in program mode, and system data can then
be changed. To prevent unauthorized changes, password levels are assigned, providing
authorization for access to certain areas of programming and denying access to others.
Data Line Security
This feature allows line circuits that are used for data transmission to be protected from
interruptions such as Attendant Camp-On, Executive Override, and Attendant Override.
Delayed Ringing
This feature enables trunks and station lines to ring immediately at the terminating station,
but also, after a programmable period of time has elapsed, to ring at secondary Multiline
Terminals with that trunk or line appearance.