General Product Description
Sopho 2000IPS
Release 12.2, August 2006
NEC Philips Unified Solutions
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© NEC Philips Unified Solutions, 2006. All right reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.
2.6.3 ISDN Station Card
The 2 S
Circuit ISDN Station Card provides Basic Rate ISDN support for 4 Video &
Data Terminals which do comply to the standard. Note that standard S
voice terminals
are not supported. This is (currently) also not planned for the roadmap
The interface is achieved with a 32 Channel IP PAD (SPN-32IPLAA IP PAD-C), which
provides Packet Assembly/Disassembly to accommodate Legacy Line/Trunk/Feature
interface for the IP terminals via the TDM switch. It runs on G.711, no voice
compression. A maximum of 8 per system is possible, 2 per FP.
It can be combined with 16 Channel CODEC Cards (SPN-16VCTAA IP PAD-A) to
provide voice compression (G.723.1, G.729a) and 14.4.kbps Fax. One or two VCTs can
be mounted on each IPLA.
The IP Signaling used by the Dterm uses a proprietary protocol (PROTIMS) and does not
support H.323 with Gatekeeper.
Standard H.323 terminals can be connected to the 2000 IPS via an external gatekeeper
and utilizing the H.323 IP trunk card (SPN-IPTB-B H323).
QoS settings use TOS, IP Precedence and Diffserv.
Echo Canceller complies with G.168.
VLAN complies with IEEE 802.1Q.
DiffServ (Differentiated Services) type of QoS supports:
Peer-to-Peer CCIS
Point-to-Multipoint IP Trunk -CCIS
H.323 Trunking
Dterm IP to Dterm IP
Dterm IP to IPPAD
Dterm IP/IPPAD to Peer to Peer CCIS Dterm IP
For the DtermIP, an AC-DC adapter or inline power patch panel is required. The hold
tone for DtermIP is only “Minuet”. The hold tone set by CM48 Y=3 are not effective
for DtermIP. Station-To-Station Connection
Station-to-Station connection is available on the LAN. For DtermIP-to-DtermIP
connection (Peer-to-Peer connection), the voice data is transmitted and received directly
between DtermIPs on the LAN. For DtermIP-to-Legacy terminal connection, the IPPAD
card is required to transmit and receive the voice data. This card is used to control and
convert the voice data. The MP card manages control signals in both types of connections.
Peer-to-Peer Connection: