Issue 5
UNIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS General Description
Page 87
Equipment description (Logistics)
This section defines the List of Deliverables for the SOPHO 2000 IPS and SOPHO IPS
DM and DMR. The DMR was not introduced with
the 2000 IPS call processing
software R6.2
, but is part of the
R8 introduction time schedule.
4.1 RoHS compliancy
Because of European legislation on Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), some
system cards and components needed to be redesigned. Existing components that are not
RoHS compliant will be phased out gradually. The components that are not RoHS
compliant will not be manufactured anymore.
The following table shows an overview of the components that are not RoHS compliant
and that will be replaced by a new version:
Existing board (to be phased out)
New board
9600 511 02788 SPN-CP24C MP(PBC)
9600 511 04895 SPN-CP24D MP(PBC)
9600 511 51435 SPN-CP27A MP(PBC)
9600 511 04896 SPN-CP27B MP(PBC)
9600 511 02791 SPN-CP31C MP(PBC)
9600 511 04897 SPN-CP31D MP(PBC)
9600 511 04204 SPN-30PRTA-D(AP)
9600 511 04836 SPN-DTA(PRT)-A(AP)
9600 511 51284 SPN-30DTCC-A(AP)
9600 51x xxxxx SPN-DTA with firmware
9600 511 51286 SPN-30CCTA-A(AP)
9600 51x xxxxx SPN-DTA with firmware
9600 511 51294 SPN-30PRTA-QSIG(AP)
9600 51x xxxxx SPN-DTA with firmware
9600 511 51229 SPN-AP00B MRC-C(AP)
9600 511 51486 PZ-M537
9600 511 03588 SPN-AP00B MRC-F(AP)
9600 511 51486 PZ-M537
9600 511 04899 SPN-AP00D MRC-A(AP)
9600 511 50125 SPN-CFTC (AP)
9600 511 04838 SPN-CFTC-A (AP)
For the 2Mbit/s QSIG, Channel Associated Signalling and CCIS interface, the SPN-
DTA(PRT)-A(AP) card will be provided in replacement. This card must be upgraded
in the field with the proper firmware.
The new AP00D card is both a new version of AP00B MRC-F card with same
functionality and an alternative for AP00B MRC-C i.e. old AP00 card with AP00
PROG-D1 firmware.
This alternative however does not support integrated low-end hotel functionality, i.e. a
full functional front desk instrument and billing via hotel printer, PMS over RS232.
For more details about the differences, see chapter 4.
The new CFTC-A(AP) card is both a new version of CFTC(AP) card with same
functionality and an alternative for CFTB card.
For more details about the differences, see chapter 4.