Issue 5
UNIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS General Description
Page 166
Microphone Control
All Multiline Terminals are equipped with a Microphone Control button with an
associated LED.
Multiple Line Operation
This feature allows for the appearance of multiple lines on the Flexible Line Keys and
feature keys of all Multiline Terminals.
Mute Key
This feature allows the distant extension user, of a station user that presses a mute key
during conversation, not to hear the station user's voice though the station user can hear
the distant extension user's voice. By pressing the mute key again, the mute status returns
to original conversation.
My Line Number Display
This feature enables a Multiline Terminal to display My Line (Primary Extension)
number on the LCD during the Multiline Terminal in idle state.
Preset Dialing
This feature allows a Multiline Terminal user to prepare and verify a number in the
display on the LCD before dialing. When a wrong number is entered, the user can correct
the number before originating the call.
Prime Line Pickup
This feature allows a Multiline Terminal user to go off hook and originate a call from the
line assigned as the Prime Line without depressing the associated line key.
Recall Key
Each Multiline Terminal is equipped with a Recall Key that is used to generate a
hookflash to access features provided by the outside exchange, or to abandon a call while
retaining the line for origination of another call.
Relay Control Function Key
This feature provides a Multiline Terminal with the ability to activate/deactivate relays
(on a PN-DK00) to control external devices.
Ring Frequency Control
The ring frequency of the Multiline Terminal can be controlled on a station basis in
system programming (14 frequencies are available) or by use of a function key on the
Multiline Terminal.
Ringing Line Pickup
This feature provides the ability to answer any call ringing into a Multiline Terminal by
just lifting the handset.
Soft Keys
According to the status of the Multiline Terminal, function keys (Soft Keys) are displayed
in the third line on the LCD. If the status of Multiline Terminal changes, the Soft Keys
will change automatically. Also if the Help key is pressed, explanation of indicated Soft
Keys are shown on the LCD.