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This chapter provides an overview defining the client needs as they relate to the
LUKE arm and system components in order to fit, set up, and configure the arm.
Topics in this chapter include:
The Client
The first and foremost task in fitting, setting up, and configuring the arm is to meet
with the client and determine their needs as they relate to the LUKE arm. As each
client is different, you need to work with them to determine the appropriate arm
configuration and system components that best fit them. You need to determine
their physical and mental abilities as they relate to controlling and using the arm.
Once you have determined the arm configuration and system components, you
then need to examine the client and determine the type of socket and harness
needed to securely attach the arm to them.
Once you have determined the arm configuration and fabricated the socket and
harness, you need to determine the input control scheme for the client. Again, as
each client is different you need to work with them to determine the types of user
inputs they can use in the control scheme in order to control the arm.
Finally, you and/or a therapist should evaluate the strength and range of motion of
the client as related to their prosthetic arm treatment and, if indicated, prescribe a
home exercise program to address any limitations prior to the client engaging in
active use of the prosthesis. This program could include exercises to strengthen the
shoulder muscles including the rotator cuff, and the muscles of the upper arm if
indicated. It is suggested that the client advance their activities with the LUKE arm
on a gradual basis to minimize muscle soreness associated with using their new