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Infinium LiHa and Infinium RoMa Operating Manual - Document # 1000000110155 v00
6 - Operation
Operating in Routine Operation Mode
Improper initialization of robotic arms.
The robotic arms cannot initialize properly if there is an object, such as a lost
sample tube or a tool, etc., between the arm and the initial stop position.
Make sure that there are no unwanted objects present in the instrument.
Check the arm position after the initialization command.
Before starting an application, thoroughly flush the whole liquid system. Make
sure that daily maintenance procedures have been performed. Make sure that
there are no air bubbles in the tubing and that there are no liquid droplets on tips.
Refer to cross references above.
RoMa Gripper
If the instrument is to be started up anew after a power failure, it is important that
any objects still held by the grippers of the RoMa are removed before the start.
Otherwise they will be dropped during the startup.
Contamination risks through contamination of the worktable or frame. Hazardous
system liquids or samples can be spilled onto the worktable, if tubes or
microplates held by the grippers of RoMa are dropped after a restart.
Visually inspect the arm devices whether they still hold any objects between
their grippers.
Remove such objects before starting up the instrument.