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Infinium LiHa and Infinium RoMa Operating Manual - Document # 1000000110155 v00
2 - Safety
General Safety Information
Lifting or moving the instrument can cause serious injuries
Injuries to the back due to overload can occur
Lifting or moving the instrument must be correctly prepared and may only
occur under the direction of a qualified Illumina person
Lifting or moving the instrument can cause damage due to unsecured parts
Lifting or moving the instrument must be correctly prepared and may only
occur under the direction of a qualified Illumina person
Potentially lethal voltage inside the instrument.
Equipment is to be connected to a grounded power source using an
approved power cord with grounding (earthing) conductor.
Do not remove covers and other parts protecting from electricity.
Always keep the areas of electric parts, such as power supply plug, mains
switch, etc., dry.
Though the safety concept assumes that the safety panel is always closed
during normal operation, it is necessary to have access to the elements in the
working area behind the safety panel for setup, maintenance and
troubleshooting purposes.
Pointed tips and other sharp-edged elements, which might cause injuries
when you reach into the working area with the safety panel open.
Always be aware of the mechanical hazards.
Wear laboratory apparel, rubber gloves, safety goggles, etc. as
Unsafe operating condition and wrong measuring results in the process, if the
system is leaking.
If liquid is dripping from the tips or other parts of the liquid system, the
Infinium LiHa and Infinium RoMa must not be operated any more.
Operation may only be resumed if the necessary maintenance or repair
work has been performed and the proper condition of the system has
been verified.
Possible malfunction or functional failure.
Proper operation can be interfered by strong electromagnetic fields.
Evaluate the electromagnetic environment before operating the device.
Do not operate this system in close proximity to sources of strong
electromagnetic fields (for example, unshielded intentional RF sources).
The operating company and the operator is responsible to ensure that a
compatible electromagnetic environment for the system can be maintained in
order that the device will perform as intended.
Electromagnetic RF waves from a cellular phone may affect the function of the
liquid detection.
Faulty detection of the liquid surface may be the consequence, which
causes the system to produce incorrect results.
Keep a distance of at least 2 m from the instrument when using a cellular
Chemical and biological hazards can be associated with the substances used
or the samples processed with the Infinium LiHa and Infinium RoMa.
The same applies to waste disposal.
Always be aware of possible hazards associated with these substances.