Getting Started
PC Cards cifX Compact PCI, Mini PCI, Mini PCIe, PCI-104 | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120205UM53EN | Revision 53 | English | 2019-03 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2019
4 Getting
4.1 Warnings
When installing, uninstalling or replacing the PC card cifX, obey to the
following safety messages on
personal injury
respectively on
that may occur together
with property damage
Lethal Electrical Shock caused by parts with more than 50V!
HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE inside of the PC or of the connecting device.
Strictly obey to all safety rules provided by the device’s manufacturer in
the documentation!
First disconnect the power plug of the PC or of the connecting device,
before you open the cabinet.
Make sure, that the power supply is off at the PC or at the connecting
Open the PC cabinet and install or remove the PC card cifX only after
disconnecting power.
Communication Stop caused by Firmware or Configuration Download
Initiating a firmware or configuration dowload process during bus operation
will stop the communication and a subsequent plant stop may cause
unpredictable and unexpected behavior of machines and plant
components, possibly resulting in personal injury and damage to your
The firmware download overwrites the existing firmware. The
communication stop may cause loss of device parameters and possible
device damage may occur.
Stop the application program, before you start the firmware or
configuration dowload.
Make sure that all network devices are placed in a fail-safe condition.
Mismatching System Configuration
Mismatching system configuration loaded into the device could result in
faulty data mapping in the application program and thus unexpected
equipment operation may cause personal injury or damage of equipment.
In the device use only a configuration suitable for the system.