PC Cards cifX Compact PCI, Mini PCI, Mini PCIe, PCI-104 | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120205UM53EN | Revision 53 | English | 2019-03 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2019
1.4.1 EtherCAT
is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
To get details and restrictions regarding using the EtherCAT technology
refer to the following documents:
“EtherCAT Marking rules”
“EtherCAT Conformance Test Policy”
“EtherCAT Vendor ID Policy”
These documents are available at the ETG homepage
A summary over Vendor ID, Conformance test, Membership and Network
Logo can be found within the appendix section of this document under
EtherCAT Summary over Vendor ID, Conformance test,
Obligation to read and understand the Manual
To avoid personal injury and to avoid property damage to your system
or to your PC card, you must read and understand all instructions in the
manual and all accompanying texts to your PC card, before installing
and operating your PC card.
First read the
Safety Instructions
in the safety chapter.
Obey to all
Safety Messages
in the manual.
Keep the product DVD as ZIP file providing the product manuals.
1.5 Licenses
If a PC card cifX is used as a Slave, neither for the firmware nor for the
configuration software SYCON.net a license is required.
Licenses will be required if the PC card cifX is used with
a firmware with master functionality*.
* The master license includes the PC card cifX operating as master and the
license for the configuration software SYCON.net for the respective cifX.
License Note about VARAN Client
In order to use the PC card cifX with VARAN, you need a license which you
can acquire at the VNO (VARAN Bus-Nutzerorganisation, Bürmooser
Straße 10, A-5112 Lamprechtshausen, [email protected]) after getting a
member of VON.
The license as well as the Vendor ID and the Device ID can be adjusted
with the SYCON.net configuration software or with the netX Configuration