Possible values:
5 I" #5I&
' ""!!
6@- ""!!
3 ' #!! " &
Local ID Value
Only for Phase-1 (IKE) Parameters
Enter the ID of your device.
For Authentication Method =
3 3
>3 3'
>3 1
the Use Subject Name from
certificate option is displayed.
When you enable the Use Subject Name from certificate op-
tion, the first alternative subject name indicated in the certific-
ate is used, or, if none is specified, the subject name of the cer-
tificate is used.
Note: If you use certificates for authentication and your certific-
ate contains alternative subject names (see
page 41), you must make sure your device selects the first al-
ternative subject name by default. Make sure you and your
peer both use the same name, i.e. that your local ID and the
peer ID your partner configures for you are identical.
Alive Check
During communication between two IPSec peers, one of the peers may become unavail-
able, e.g. due to routing problems or a reboot. However, this can only be detected when
the end of the lifetime of the security connection is reached. Up until this point the data
packets are lost. These are various methods of performing an alive check to prevent this
happening. In the Alive Check field you can specify whether a method should be used to
check the availability of a peer.
Two methods are available: Heartbeats and Dead Peer Detection.
The menu Advanced Settings consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Advanced Settings menu
13 VPN
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition