dress defined for the Interface is transferred.
: No IP address is sent.
: Enter the corresponding IP address.
Lease Time
Enter the length of time (in minutes) for which an address from
the pool is to be assigned to a host.
After the Lease Time expires, the address can be reassigned
by the server.
The default value is
DHCP Options
Specify which additional data is forwarded to the DHCP client.
Possible values for Option:
) 34
(default value): Enter the IP address of the
time server to be sent to the client.
3 34
: Enter the IP address of the DNS server to be
sent to the client.
: Enter the DNS domain to be sent to the
3A(3 34
: Enter the IP address of the WINS/
NBNS server to be sent to the client.
3A() " )1
: Select the type of the WINS/NBT
node to be sent to the client.
)5)6 34
: Enter the IP address of the TFTP server to
be sent to the client.
: Enter the IP address of the CAP-
WAP controller to be sent to the client.
=>G #14! !4&
: This option enables you
to send a client any URL.
Use this option to send querying IP1x0 telephones the URL
of the provisioning server if the telephones are to be provi-
sioned automatically. The URL then needs to take the form
1MAA*6 ""!! 14! !4'
@" .1
(Vendor Specific Information): This enables
you to send the client any manufacturer-specific information
in any text string.
15 Local Services
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition