(default value): The peer is switched to the act-
ive state by a trigger.
8! 1
: The peer is always active.
Fields in the menu Advanced IP Options
Public Interface
Specify the public (or WAN) interface that this peer is to use to
connect to its VPN partner. If you select
! >'
, the decision as to via which interface the data traffic is
routed is made based on the current routing table. If you select
an interface, the interface is used taking into consideration the
setting under Public Interface Mode.
Public Interface Mode
Specify how strictly the setting under Public Interface is
handled. Possible values:
: Only the selected interface is used, whatever the
priorities in the current routing table.
: Depending on the priorities in the current rout-
ing table, the selected interface is used if no more favourable
route is available via a different interface.
Public Source IP Ad-
If you are operating more than one Internet connection in paral-
lel, here you can specify the public IP address that is to be
used as the source address for the peer's data traffic. Select
whether the Public Source IP Address is to be enabled.
The function is enabled with
In the input field, enter the public IP address that is to be used
as the sender address.
The function is disabled by default.
Back Route Verify
Select whether a check on the back route should be activated
for the interface to the connection partner.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Only for peers with IKEv2.
MobIKE In cases of changing public IP addresses, enables
13 VPN
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition