shall be signalled. With Add you add an internal number.
External Assignment
Enter the external telephone number to which pressing the
door bell shall be signalled.
You can call the internal number with a broadcast call.
Possible values:
(default value): All assigned terminals are
called simultaneously. If a telephone is busy, call waiting can
be used.
: All assigned terminals are called in the sequence of
their entry in configuration. If a terminal is engaged, the next
free terminal is called. The call is signalled ca. 15 seconds
per subscriber. The period can be set between 1 and 99
seconds (per bell) in the configuration. If subscribers are on
the phone or logged out, there is not forwarding time for
: This call is a special case of the linear call. After
all terminals are called, call signalling begins again with the
first entered terminal. The call is signalled until the caller re-
places the receiver or the call is ended by the intercom ad-
apter (after ca. 2 minutes).
: The terminals are called in the sequence of their
entry in the configuration subscriber list. Every terminal that
has already been called is called again, until all entered ter-
minals are called. In the configuration, you can define when
each next terminal is called.
GJ3! >1
: You have set lin-
ear for the door intercom call. After the defined time has run
out, you can also set in the configuration that all team sub-
scribers are then called in parallel (simultaneously).
>J3! >1
: You have set
rotating for the door intercom call. After the defined time has
run out, you can also set in the configuration that all intercom
subscribers are then called in parallel (simultaneously).
8 Applications
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition