A list of all entered servers is displayed in the System Management->Remote
Authentication-> menu. Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Choose the New button to add
The System Management->Remote Authentication-> ->New menu consists
of the following fields:
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
Authentication Type
Displays which function is to be used. The value
cannot be changed.
Possible values:
: Here, you can define whether
the current server is to be used for login authen-
tication to your device.
Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the server that is to be re-
quested for login authentication.
Enter the password to be used to authenticate and, if applic-
able, encrypt data exchange between the server
and the network access server (your device). The maximum
length of the entry is 32 characters.
Assign a priority to the current server. The server
with the lowest value is the one used first for login
authentication. If no response is given or access is denied
(only if Policy =
' 4
), the entry with the
next-highest priority is used.
The available values are
, the default value is
Entry active
Select whether this server is to be used for login authentica-
The function is activated by selecting
The function is enabled by default.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
2 System Management
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition