To do so, you create access profiles and users and assign each user at least one access
profile. An access profile makes available that part of the GUI that a user requires for their
tasks. Parts of the GUI that are not required are blocked.
2.7.1 Access Profiles
The menu System Management->Configuration Access->Access Profiles displays a
list of all the access profiles that have been configured. You can delete existing entries
with the icon
By default, more than one access profile has already been created for the devices hybird
120. You can reset these to the default settings using the icon
and the icon
. Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Choose the New button to create additional
access profiles.
To create an access profile you can use all the entries in the navigation bar of the GUI
plus Save configuration and Switch to SNMP Browser. You can create a maximum of
29 access profiles.
The menu System Management->Configuration Access->Access Profiles->New con-
sists of the following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Settings
Enter a unique name for the access profile.
Level No.
The system automatically assigns a sequential number to the
access profile. This cannot be edited.
Fields in the menu Buttons
Save configuration
If you activate the button Save configuration the user is per-
mitted to save configurations.
Note that the passwords in the saved file can be
viewed in clear text.
2 System Management
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition