The Networking->NAT->NAT Configuration ->New menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Parameters
Enter a description for the NAT configuration.
Select the interface for which NAT is to be configured.
Possible values:
(default value): NAT is configured for all interfaces.
* ,
: Select one of the interfaces from the
Type of traffic
Select the type of data traffic for which NAT is to be configured.
Possible values:
#! )&
(default value): The data
traffic that comes from outside.
#3 )&
: Outgoing data traffic.
+" # )&
: Data traffic excluded from
NAT method
Only for Type of traffic =
#3 )&
Select the NAT method for outgoing data traffic. The starting
point for choosing the NAT method is a NAT scenario in which
an "internal" source host has initiated an IP connection to an
"external" destination host over the NAT interface, and in which
an internally valid source address and internally valid source
port are translated to an externally valid source address and an
externally valid source port.
Possible values:
(UDP only): Any given external host may send
IP packets via the external address and the external port to
the initiating source address and the initial source port.
(UDP only): Like full-cone NAT; as ex-
ternal host, however, only the initial "external" destination
host is allowed.
(UDP only): Like restricted-cone
NAT; however, exclusively data from the initial destination
Gigaset Communications GmbH
10 Networking
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition