Chapter 12 WAN
This menu offers various options for configuring accesses or connections from your LAN
to the WAN. You can also optimise voice transmission here for telephone calls over the
12.1 In Dialup
In this menu, you can set up Internet access or dialup connections.
In addition, you can create address pools for the dynamic assignment of IP addresses.
To enable your device to set up connections to networks or hosts outside your LAN, you
must configure the partners you want to connect to on your device. This applies to outgo-
ing connections (your device dials its WAN partner) and incoming connections (a remote
partner dials the number of your device).
If you want to set up Internet access, you must set up a connection to your Internet Ser-
vice Provider (ISP). For broadband Internet access, your device provides the PPP-
over-Ethernet (PPPoE), PPP-over-PPTP and PPP-over-ATM (PPPoA) protocols. You can
also configure Internet access over ISDN.
Note your provider's instructions.
Dialin connections over ISDN are used to establish a connection to networks or hosts out-
side your LANs.
All the entered connections are displayed in a list, which contains the Description, the
User Name, the Authentication and the current Status.
The Status field can have the following values:
Possible values for Status
not connected (dialup connection); connection setup possible
not connected (e.g. because of an error during setup of an out-
going connection, a renewed attempt is only possible after a
12 WAN
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition