In the External Reporting->IP Accounting->Interfaces menu, a list of all interfaces con-
figured on your device is shown. For each entry, you can activate IP Accounting by setting
the checkmark. In the IP Accounting column, you do not need to click each entry indi-
vidually. Using the options Select all or Deselect all you can enable or disable the IP ac-
counting function for all interfaces simultaneously.
17.2.2 Options
In this menu, you configure general settings for IP Accounting.
In the External Reporting->IP Accounting->Options menu, you can define the Log
Format of the IP accounting messages. The messages can contain character strings in
any order, sequences separated by a slash, e.g.
or defined tags.
Possible format tags:
Format tags for IP Accounting messages
Date of the session start in the format DD.MM.YY
Time of the session start in the format HH:MM:SS
Duration of the session in seconds
Source IP Address
Source Port
Source interface index
Destination IP Address
Destination Port
Destination interface index
Packets sent
Octets sent
Packets received
Octets received
Serial number for accounting message
By default, the following format instructions are entered in the Log Format field:
17 External Reporting
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition