the current configuration was
saved as boot configuration and the previous boot configura-
tion was also archived.
You can load back the archived boot configuration.
: The configuration file in the Source
File Name field is saved asDestination File Name.
: The configuration file in the Se-
lect file field is renamed to New File Name.
: The configuration in the Select
file field is deleted.
: The file in the Select file
field is deleted.
Configuration Encryp-
Only for Action =
+1 '
+1 8 ! '
. Define whether the data of the selected Action
are to be encrypted..
The function is activated by selecting
The function is disabled by default.
If the function is enabled, you can enter the Password in the
text field.
Only for Action =
1 '
=1" !! !8
Enter the path and name of the file or select the file with
Browse... via the explorer/finder.
Source Location
Only for Action =
=1" !! !8
Select the source of the update.
Possible values:
G 5
(default value): The system software file is
stored locally on your PC.
%))6 34
: The file is stored on a remote server spe-
cified in the URL.
38 =1" 34
: The file is
Gigaset Communications GmbH
16 Maintenance
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition