If for an IPSec peer you have set IP Address Assignment
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you must define the IP pools here from which the IP addresses are assigned. Edit or New
Choose the New button to set up new IP address pools. Choose the
icon to edit exist-
ing entries.
The menu VPN->IPSec->IP Pools->New consists of the following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Parameters
IP Pool Name
Enter any description to uniquely identify the IP pool.
IP Address Range
Enter the first (first field) and last (second field) IP address of
the IP address pool.
DNS Server
Primary: Enter the IP address of the DNS server that is to be
used, preferably, by clients who draw an address from this
Secondary: Optionally, enter the IP address of an alternative
DNS server.
13.1.6 Options
The menu VPN->IPSec->Options consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Global Options menu
Enable IPSec
Select whether you want to activate IPSec.
The function is enabled with
The function is active as soon as an IPSec Peer is configured.
Delete complete IPSec
If you click the
icon, delete the complete IPSec configura-
tion of your device.
This cancels all settings made during the IPSec configuration.
Once the configuration is deleted, you can start with a com-
Gigaset Communications GmbH
13 VPN
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