Possible values:
6 I
: QoS is activated on the interface.
The available bandwidth is distributed strictly according to
the queue priority.
" >" >
: QoS is activated on the inter-
face. The available bandwidth is distributed according to the
weighting (weight) of the queue. Exception: High-priority
packets are always handled with priority.
" 5 I
: QoS is activated on the inter-
face. The available bandwidth is distributed as “fairly” as pos-
sible among the (automatically detected) traffic flows in a
queue. Exception: High-priority packets are always handled
with priority.
(default value): QoS is deactivated on the inter-
face. The existing configuration is not deleted, but can be ac-
tivated again if required.
Traffic shaping
Activate or deactivate data rate limiting in the send direction.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Maximum Upload
Only for Traffic shaping = enabled.
Enter a maximum data rate for the queue in the send direction
in kbits.
Possible values are
The default value is
, i.e. no limits are set, the queue can oc-
cupy the maximum bandwidth.
Protocol Header Size
below Layer 3
Only for Traffic shaping = enabled.
Choose the interface type to include the size of the respective
overheads of a datagram when calculating the bandwidth.
Possible values:
=! ""
Value in byte.
Possible values are
Gigaset Communications GmbH
10 Networking
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition