tion is deleted in the process.
System telephones
• Switching on the MWI is possible at all times (also during the call). The caller's number
is entered in the caller list. Depending on the type of system telephone, e. g. external
voicemail, Netbox Heute, the name and number of the caller are entered. In addition,
the Caller list LED flashes.
• Callback to the voice mail system or reception telephone is possible; the MMI informa-
tion is deleted in the process.
Hotel room telephone
• If a message from a voicemail system is present, a special dialling tone is heard after
the receiver is picked up.
Reception telephone
• MWI information can be switched on and off from a reception telephone to a room tele-
phone via a telephone procedure. If MWI information is switched to a room telephone,
the reception telephone number is entered into the caller list and the special dialling
tone is enabled.
Disabling the MWI announcement
• Manual disabling via reception telephone procedure.
• Call from reception telephone to room telephone. The MWI information is automatically
deleted in call status.
• Callback from room telephone to reception telephone deletes the MWI information.
This performance feature must be requested for your ISDN connection from
the network operator. There, you will also be informed of available services.
The information can only be displayed on the internal ISDN terminal if an ex-
ternal MSN has been assigned to the terminal in the configuration.
All MWI data are deleted after a system reset.
Net Direct (keypad)
Some time ago, you purchased the most advanced telephone of the time. Since then,
however, a number of new performance features have appeared on the public network,
Gigaset Communications GmbH
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