saved in the system phone book, the caller's name is indicated in the system telephone
The user's other numbers (Mobile Number and Home Number) are only
displayed in the system telephone phone book menu. They are not dis-
played in the System Phonebook menu of the user interface. Entries in the
system telephone phone book menu with the (M) mark refer to an entered
Mobile Number of a user; those with the (H) mark to Home Number.
hybird support LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for providing
the entries of the system phonebook to other devices. Name, Number as
well as mobile and private numbers can be transferred this way.
8.4.1 Entries
In the Applications->System Phonebook->Entries menu, all configured telephone book
entries are displayed with the corresponding speeddial index. The entries in the Descrip-
tion column are sorted alphabetically. Click the column title of any column to sort entries
in ascending or descending order. Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Select the New button to create new entries.
The menu Applications->System Phonebook->Entries->New consists of the following
Fields in the Phonebook Entry menu
Enter a description for the entry. Subsequent sorting in the
phone book follows the initial letters of the entry.
Phone Number
Enter the telephone number (internal or external).
Speed Dial Number
Enter a speed dial code. If a speed dial code is entered, count-
ing is automatic; i.e. speed dial is automatically assigned.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
8 Applications
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition