propagated or OSPF protocol packets sent over this inter-
: OSPF is disabled for this interface.
Proxy ARP Mode
Select whether your device is to answer APR requests from
your LAN on behalf of the specific PPTP partner.
Possible values:
(default value): Disables Proxy-ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) for this PPTP partner.
: Your device only responds to an ARP re-
quest if the status of the connection to the PPTP partner is
(active) or
. In the case of
, your device
only responds to the ARP request; the connection is not set
up until someone actually wants to use the route.
: Your device answers an APR request only if the
status of the connection to the PPTP partner is
, i.e.
if a connection to the PPTP partner has already been estab-
DNS Negotiation
Select whether your device receives IP addresses for Primary
DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server from the PPTP part-
ner or sends these to the PPTP partner.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default.
Fields in the PPTP Callback menu
Enables a PPTP tunnel through the Internet to be set up with a
PPTP partner, even if the partner is currently inaccessible. As
a rule, the PPTP partner will be requested by means of an
ISDN call to go online and set up a PPTP connection.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Note that you must activate the relevant option on the gate-
ways of both partners. An ISDN connection is usually required
13 VPN
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition