Select from which weekday the settings for holidays should be
imported. Configure weekdays in menu Applications->Calen-
dar->Calendar-> Mo - Su
If you require specific settings for holidays, select the option
Switching Points
Only for Use settings from =
Enter the desired switching times.
For this, under Time, select the desired switching points to
which switching shall occur from any divergent active switching
option in the desired switching options selected under Action.
Depending on the application, the following switching options
are available:
) 3
: Call option 1 to call option 4
: Door Intercom call option 1 and
door intercom call option 2
: Night operation and night operation off
!! 34
: Authorisation class by default and au-
thorisation class optional
> A+
: Redirect
option 1 to redirect option 4
8.1.2 Public Holiday
In the Applications->Calendar->Public Holiday menu, you can enter holidays or any
special days for which divergent settings should be made via the calendar. The holiday
entries are sorted by date! Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Select the New button to create new entries.
The menu Applications->Calendar->Public Holiday->New consists of the following
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
8 Applications
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition