Enter a password for the user.
User must change
The administrator can use the option User must change
password to specify that the user must select their own pass-
word the first time they log in. To do this, the option Save con-
figuration needs to be enabled in the menu Access Profiles.
If this option is not enabled, a warning message displays.
Enable or disable User must change password.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Access Level
Use Add to assign at least one access profile to the user. Se-
lecting Read-only specifies that the user can view the para-
meters of the access profile, but not change them. Selecting
Read-only is only possible if the option Switch to SNMP
Browser in the menu Access Profiles is not enabled.
If the option Switch to SNMP Browser is enabled, a warning
message displays because the user can switch to the SNMP
browser view, access the parameters and make any changes
they like. The option Read-only is not available in the SNMP
browser view.
If intersecting access profiles are assigned to a user, read and
write have a higher priority than Read-only. Buttons cannot be
set to the setting Read-only.
2.8 Certificates
An asymmetric cryptosystem is used to encrypt data to be transported in a network, to
generate or check digital signatures and the authenticate users. A key pair consisting of a
public key and a private key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data.
For encryption the sender requires the public key of the recipient. The recipient decrypts
the data using his private key. To ensure that the public key is the real key of the recipient
and is not a forgery, a so-called digital certificate is required.
This confirms the authenticity and the owner of a public key. It is similar to an official pass-
port in that it confirms that the holder of the passport has certain characteristics, such as
gender and age, and that the signature on the passport is authentic. As there is more than
one certificate issuer, e.g. the passport office for a passport, and as such certificates can
Gigaset Communications GmbH
2 System Management
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition