When all of the PMD states to be stored have been entered in the table, click the
“STORE” button to store the PMD sequence to memory. Note that for continuous states,
the state stored in memory and used for the scan is the closest-matched set of calculated
values to the user-requested DGD/SOPMD values.
PMD sequence recall:
To recall data from memory and display it on-screen, select the desired memory bank.
Then, define the range of memory locations from which to recall data by selecting the
start and end ID#s in the corresponding boxes. Click “RECALL” to display the data in
the table on the right.
After stored data is recalled to the table on screen, it can be exported to a text file by
clicking the “EXPORT” button. The program will prompt for a file name and location.
Data is stored in the format in which it is displayed in the on-screen table.
Data previously exported to a text file can be imported by clicking the “IMPORT”
button. The program will prompt for a file name and location, and the imported data will
be displayed in the table on-screen. It can then be stored to a memory bank by selecting a
memory bank (A-E) and clicking the “STORE” button.
The selected memory bank can be cleared by clicking the “CLEAR” button. The program
will prompt the user to confirm:
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
Page 90 of 122