After a long enough period of measurement, the histogram will typically follow a
Maxwellian distribution. The mean of the distribution can be taken to be the mean PMD
of the system under test.
The program will continue recording data until the “Stop” button is clicked.
Support Functions:
This section includes the interface screens for setting operation parameters, storing and
recalling programmed PMD scan sequences and PMDC results, and performing
wavelength dependence simulations for PMD states in the discrete mode lookup table.
This screen allows the user to set the basic operation parameters for the PMD-1000.
Setup parameters:
Operation Wavelength: First, select the wavelength band (e.g. C or L band). Then,
select the ITU grid channel number. The indicator boxes will display the
corresponding frequency (in THz) and wavelength (in nm) of the selected
channel. The wavelength setting updates in real time.
GPIB address: Click “Get” to query the current GPIB address for the PMD-1000. To
set a new address, select the desired GPIB address in the “Set GPIB address” box,
then click “Set”.
Note: This function can only be used if the current interface is something other
than GPIB.
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
Page 88 of 122