prompted to either run the scan with a dwell time of 0.5 s, or to exit the scan and return to
parameter setup.
Note also that if the selected dwell time is <1 s, the scan will run, but the points will not
be plotted on the display.
Select the number of times to run the scan (Cycle #) and then click “Start” to start the
scan. For dwell time settings
1s, as the scan progresses, each point is plotted on the
graph as it is generated, and its DGD and SOPMD values are displayed above the graph.
PMD Emulation:
This function performs statistical first-order or first and second order PMD emulation to
simulate the PMD in real systems. For single-polarization signals, the SOP can also be
automatically optimized for worst-case PMD effect at each PMD value.
Select “DGD only” (SOPMD = 0) or “PMD” (DGD + SOPMD emulation) from the pull-
down menu at the top left of the operation area of the screen:
PMD Emulation- DGD only:
The “DGD only” PMD emulation function generates a Maxwellian distribution of DGD
values with SOPMD =0.
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
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