Advanced Functions:
This function set includes more advanced PMD generation and scan functions that make
use of the PMDPro’s quasi-continuous PMD generation capability.
It also includes PMD measurement and long-term monitoring functions.
This operation mode combines the PMD-1000’s continuous PMD generation function
with scan/emulation and polarization control functions.
There are four tabs within this section:
Continuous PMD + Polarization Control:
This is the control screen for the PMD-1000’s deterministic quasi-continuous PMD
generation function. This function allows the user to select any DGD/SOPMD
combination within the area bounded by the curve.
The user can select the desired DGD and SOPMD values by dragging the sliders on the
plot axes, by selecting or typing values in the selection boxes for each axis, or by
dragging the cursor (a red cross) to the desired point on the plot. Clicking the “Set”
button causes the PMDPro to calculate and output the closest available matches to the
DGD and SOPMD chosen. The indicator boxes at the top right of the screen display the
calculated DGD and SOPMD values.
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
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