The program interface consists of a function selection panel on the left side of the screen
and the main operation area, which occupies most of the screen.
The function selection panel contains 13 buttons corresponding to various operation
modes. These buttons are divided into three groups. The top group (“Front Panel
Function”) includes most of the basic functions. The second group (“Advanced
Function”) includes more advanced functions using the quasi-continuous PMD
generation function and 2D and 3D graphing capabilities. The third group (“Support
Function”) includes operation setup parameters, data storage and recall functions, and
wavelength dependence simulations. When one of these buttons is clicked, the
corresponding operation mode screen appears in the operation area. When the program is
first started, the default operation mode is monitor mode. This screen can also be
accessed by clicking the “MONITOR” button in the function selection panel.
The monitor screen has 4 sections.
The output power section displays the output power in dBm and mW.
The DGD/SOPMD section displays the DGD and SOPMD currently being generated by
the PMD-1000, as well as an indicator showing whether the current state is a discrete
(lookup table) or continuous PMD state.
The INPUT section displays the DOP and SOP (Stokes parameters) measured by the
PMD-1000’s input polarimeter.
The OUTPUT section displays the DOP and SOP (Stokes parameters) measured by the
PMD-1000’s output polarimeter, located after the PMD generating element.
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
Page 57 of 122