OBID i-scan
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no response the Reader sends a EOF after EOF-PULSE-DELAY and tries
to sample the response after CMD-RES_DELAY
b100 = inventory request
The Reader tries to sample the response after CMD-RES-DELAY. If
ISO15693 “Nb_slot_flag” Flag is:
the Reader sends a EOF after EOF-PULSE-DELAY and tries again
to sample the response in the next timeslot ( after CMD-
RES_DELAY). This is done 16 times.
In this case the RSP-LENGTH defines the response length in one
timeslot. Transponder responses with other response length will be
ignored. If there is a CRC error in one of the timeslots the protocol
status is set to 0x02 [CRC error]. The user should calculate which
Transponder data hold the CRC error.
the Reader sends back the received data.
b101= request with grid position of response
The Reader tries to sample the response after ISO15693-3 CMD-RES-
DELAY. If there is no response the Reader sample at the time/grid specified
in MULTIPLE 302us GRIDS. If there is no response the command sends
back status "no Transponder" 0x01. The maximum value for MULTIPLE
302us GRIDS is 125 (
302,08us * 125 = 37,76ms)
Depending on the Error-Flag in the Transponder response the length of the
sample data is:
- 4 Byte if Error-Flag is "1"
- REP-LENGTH if Error-Flag is "0"
b110= read request without any ISO15693 specific data checks and ISO15693 data
Response is sampled corresponding to CMD-RES-DELAY.
cause by the fact that no data check is performed inside of the Reader all
data with response length same as response length specified in the Host
command to the Reader will be transfers with status 0x00. If response
length of data from Transponder and response length specified in the Host
command to the Reader are unequal, status 0x01 “No Transponder” will be
the response of the Reader.
The user of the command mode 6 has to control the data coding and de-
coding option of the Reader by setting CFG8/Byte 4 – ISO-Mode in the
manner the Reader should code the data in the RF forward link and decode
the data in the RF return link.
A CRC is calculated over the transmitted data and the CRC byte(s) are
appended to the data stream