MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
Misc. Options tab
Misc. Options
tab, shown below, includes an assortment of settings,
including those pertaining to the projector, audio volume, and resetting the
memories to factory defaults.
Misc. Options tab
When you make a change to an item on the Misc. Options tab, the Exit Program
button in the lower-right corner of the screen is replaced by the Cancel and Take
To save your changes, click Take.
If you do not click the Take button, your
changes are not implemented.
To abandon the changes, click Cancel.
The Misc. Options tab contains the following fields:
Pwr-UP Delay and Pwr-Dn Delay
— You can move these two sliders to select
the number of seconds (0 to 300) that the projector will take to warm up
(delay powering on) or cool down (delay powering off) after a Projector On
or Off button is pressed.
Auto shutoff
— If the Auto shutoff check box is selected, the MLC monitors the
time elapsed since the last button press and sends a display power Off
command (or that command and any other commands associated with the
Projector OFF button) after a set period of inactivity. You can move the
slider to adjust this period of projector inactivity by 15-minute increments,
from 0 to 720 minutes (12 hours).
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CAMBOARD Electronics
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