Serial Communication, cont’d
MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
If the selected MLC button currently contains no commands, the None
radio button in the Sends field is filled. Select the RS-232 radio button
to add commands to the button.
If the MLC button already contains commands, the Sends radio button
for the command type on the button is filled. To add RS-232 commands
to this button, select the RS-232 radio button.
If the button already contains IR commands, the IR radio button
is selected, but it is grayed out and unavailable. You can add
only RS-232 commands to these buttons from this tab.
In the middle section of the tab, set the scroll bar below the Bytes box to the
number of bytes required for your command.
Bytes box and slider
The large HEX box displays an “FF” pair for each byte of the number
shown in the Bytes box. In the example above, the Bytes box shows 2, and
there are two pairs of FFs in the large HEX field.
Click in the
HEX or ASCII box.
Enter the text for your command in either the HEX or the ASCII small text
box (located above the large HEX and ASCII fields). Hexadecimal
commands are entered in pairs of characters; ASCII commands are entered
in single characters. (See your projector’s user manual for the available
As you enter text in the small box for the first time, the characters you enter
are also inserted in the large box in front of the small rectangle. With each
subsequent entry you make, the rectangle moves to the next position,
indicating the insertion point for your next entry.
Keep the following in mind when programming commands on the
Advanced Projector Configuration tab:
You can enter only as many characters (ASCII) or pairs of characters
(Hex) as the number of bytes you specified in the Bytes box. If you
attempt to enter more characters than you have bytes for, the last entry
you make replaces the previous one inside the small rectangle.
Hexadecimal commands can be made up of numerals 0 through 9 and
letters A through F. The HEX text box accepts only those characters.
Hex commands must be entered as two characters. If you want to enter
a single-character command, you must enter a 0 (zero) in front of it. For
example, the Hex command D would be entered as 0D.
The maximum number of bytes of programming that a button can
accept is 32—four commands consisting of up to eight bytes each.
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CAMBOARD Electronics
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