MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
Grouping buttons
Buttons can be grouped together so that they operate in a mutually exclusive
(switch) group; that is, when one button is pressed, all others in its group are
deselected. The active button lights brightly; the inactive button(s) are dimmed.
You can group together any of the front panel buttons, except the Projector ON
and OFF buttons, in any combination. (Only one group of buttons can exist at a
Select the Group check box above or below each button that you want to
To remove a button from a group, clear the button’s Group check box.
MLC diagram with PC and Video buttons grouped
To group the buttons labeled VOL UP and VOL DWN, you must first clear
the Use for VOLUME control check box.
Setting up button macros using macro mode
Buttons function in either
mode or
mode. By default, the buttons are
in toggle mode, meaning that each time the button is pressed, one of its
programmed commands is issued. (Each button can store up to four commands.)
When a button is in macro mode, one press executes all the commands
programmed onto that button, in the order they were programmed, at 1.5 second
intervals. One example of a button macro application would be turning on
multiple projectors/plasma displays by pressing one button, one time.
Switching to macro mode is
the same as clicking the Macro... button in the
upper-right corner of the Controller (MLC) Config. tab. The Macro... button
enables you to link a memory block from one button to a memory block of
another button, so that pressing the first button issues the commands
programmed onto both buttons. (See
Linking buttons to create macros
, in
the next section.)
Switching to macro mode, on the other hand, enables you to issue all the
commands programmed onto
button by pressing it once.
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