Serial Communication, cont’d
MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
Click the Take Button Config button to implement your selections. The
command is programmed into the button’s selected memory block.
On the Driver Selection window, the radio button for the command
memory block you just programmed is surrounded by a red field. This
indicates that the block contains an IR command.
Driver Selection window showing that memory block 1 (Cmd 1)
contains an IR (red) command
On the MLC diagram, the circle representing the memory block that
you just programmed on the selected button appears
If you want to assign another command to the same button, select the next
Cmd radio button, then repeat steps
For each button, you can perform this procedure up to four times, until the
button’s four memory blocks are all assigned.
You must program the next command in order. You cannot, for example,
program memory block #1 (Cmd 1 radio button) then skip to block #3 or #4.
For IR commands, you can mix driver functions from different devices on
the same button. For example, you can program a power ON button with
one command to turn on a Sanyo projector, and another command to turn on
an NEC projector. You can also add IR commands to a button on which
RS-232 commands have also been programmed.
When finished programming commands to the button, click Close to close
the Driver Selection window.
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