Serial Communication, cont’d
MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
Assigning functions to buttons using IR drivers
Two types of drivers can be used to configure the MLC 52: IR and RS-232. This
section discusses programming buttons using the IR drivers. Follow these steps
to configure the MLC’s buttons with IR commands on the Controller (MLC)
Config. tab:
On the Controller (MLC) Config. tab, click the MLC button to which you
want to add a command. In the example below, the PC button was selected.
Each button on the MLC diagram contains four circles that represent the
button’s four memory blocks. When a command is programmed to one of
these memory blocks, its circle becomes red (for IR commands) or green
(RS-232 commands).
PC button selected on Controller (MLC) Config. tab
When you select the button, the following occurs on the screen:
The selected button turns pale yellow, surrounded by a square black
border. The Button field in the upper-left corner of the tab displays the
name of the button that was selected.
Radio buttons for the selected button’s four command memory blocks
(Cmd 1 through Cmd 4) are displayed at the top of the tab. The radio
button for the memory block you are currently programming is selected.
Switch Mode and Actions buttons are displayed in a column down the
center of the tab.
Click the Pick IR Driver Functions button in the
Actions section.
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