Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 77 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
When the touch screen is active, the pressure of a stylus tip or fingertip against the screen is
used to duplicate actions with a two-button mouse.
Wo rkin g with th e To u c h S c re e n
Tapping with a passive stylus requires only light to moderate
pressure. It is possible to damage the display by pounding the tip
against the surface with too much force.
Us in g a Fin g e rtip o r P a s s ive S tylu s with th e To u c h S c re e n
lists mouse-type objectives you can perform using a fingertip or passive stylus with the
touch screen.
Table 8. Fingertip Actions
Select tabs or open sub-menus.
Highlight a label or option.
Fill selection boxes.
Activate buttons.
Deselect highlighted objects or release multiple
Tap once
Tap outside the object(s)
Start an application or open a folder.
Tap twice
Move an object on the desktop.
Press over an object, hold contact with
display, drag fingertip and release
Open menu options.
Press over icon or option and hold contact
with display without moving fingertip.
Select multiple objects.
Press and hold contact with display, drag
box around objects.