Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 73 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
The brightness of the LCD display is controlled by adjusting the backlight intensity either
automatically or manually. When you first receive your ARMOR X10gx, the brightness mode is
set to Automatic. To switch to Manual brightness control, or switch back to Automatic mode,
open ARMORutils and click on the
Backlight Setup
option in the ARMORutils Main dialog
window. This will open the Backlight Setup dialog window shown in
Ad ju s tin g S c re e n Brig h tn e s s
Figure 37. ARMORutils Backlight Setup Dialog Window
In Automatic mode, the backlight level is controlled by the ambient light sensor (ALS) located on
the indicator panel. If the surrounding light decreases, the brightness will
proportionally; if the surrounding light increases, the brightness will
Au to m a tic Brig h tn e s s Ad ju s tm e n t